Tag: Organization

Product Management

When Push Comes to Shove – Picking Your Battles

In many organizations, conflict is part and parcel of the culture — some conflict can be constructive, some destructive, but most of it can just be downright annoying.  And, because we often sit right in the middle of all of the random agendas, battles of ego, and emotional storms that can rage throughout the company, […]

Product Management

Share Your Knowledge!

As an active member of the Seattle community of Product Managers, I’ve been fortunate enough to find many opportunities to engage with fellow Product Managers as well as those looking to make a break into the role.  Between my work with General Assembly as a part-time instructor, my volunteer efforts as a board member of […]

Product Management

The Importance of Scrum Ceremonies

I recently had a really great conversation with a fellow co-worker about how and why companies struggle with the adoption of agile methodologies like Scrum.  It just so happened that he had come from a very large company where someone had undertaken something unheard of — they attempted to objectively measure the effect that Scrum […]

Product Management

10 Questions: Tricia Cervenan

One of the things that I love about the Product Management community here in Seattle is how close-knit we are, so when I reached out to Tricia Cervenan, a fellow Product Manager and General Assembly instructor, for her thoughts on the industry, the role, and what it means to her, I was not disappointed.  I […]

Product Management

Constructive Conflict

There are a great many company cultures in the world that go out of their way to avoid conflict of any kind.  And, while the intent is good — nobody wants to work in a combative workplace — the common practice of lumping all conflict together into a single bucket and trying to toss it […]

Product Management

Agile Transitions – Managing Expectations

We live in a day and age where there’s a ton of information and mis-information out there about pretty much every topic imaginable, and Agile development is certainly not immune to this phenomenon.  In fact, anyone who looks for help in pushing through an Agile transformation in their organization is immediately confronted with a vast […]

Product Management

10 Questions: Suzanne Abate

One of the benefits of teaching with General Assembly has been to build my network of talented, knowledgeable, and experienced Product Managers, not just in the Seattle area, but around the country and the world.  One of my more recent connections was with Suzanne Abate, an LA-based product management coach who caught my eye with […]

Product Management

Stakeholders: Overcoming Passive Resistance

A recurring challenge that many Product Managers face is coping with stakeholders who attempt to block our efforts, either covertly or overtly.  Sometimes these situations arise due to simple miscommunication, but other times they’re power plays, the results of internal politics, or even caused by grudges held from previous slights — real or imagined.  To […]

Product Management

How Accepting Uncertainty Drives Successful Teams

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed that accepting uncertainty is a a recurring theme when it comes to Agile and agility.  While it’s never stated outright as a “value” in either the Agile Manifesto or the Twelve Principles of Agile, the concept itself underlies many of the points made in […]

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