Year: 2018

Product Management

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – The Importance of Reducing Waste

I find it entertaining when people talk about how Agile and Lean and Kanban are all relatively new, untested, and revolutionary concepts.  That’s because they’re none of those things — they’re simply descendants of ideas and concepts that have existed in manufacturing contexts for a half-century or more, just pitched in a different way, at […]

Product Management

Having a Vision Isn’t Always About Distance

When most people talk about “vision” they’re evoking a concept of long-term planning, setting big and brash goals that you might or might not achieve, but which set a “north star” by which you can plot the course of your product and company.  And while that’s an extremely valuable use of the term, I’ve recently […]

Product Management

The Importance of Knowing What You Don’t Know

As Product Managers, we’re called on a lot to weigh in on questions, considerations, and issues related to our market, our customers, and our products.  And we’re often pressured to provide opinions either with or without sufficient data to feel entirely comfortable about drawing conclusions that we know people will rely on and act on — […]

Product Management

Don’t be Afraid to Admit You’re Wrong!

One of Amazon’s prized leadership principles is “Be right, a lot.”  And we should certainly strive for that as Product Managers, no matter what company we work for, or what product we’re working on.  But there’s a corollary to that statement that’s equally important — that you’re not going to be right all the time.  […]

Product Management

Sometimes Success Takes a Little Luck

Have you ever stopped to think about what makes some products successful while others languish in obscurity?  What made Orkut fail while Facebook took the world by storm?  What made StackExchange such a tremendously popular forum when there are literally thousands of others who have attempted the same thing?  As much as we Product Managers […]

Product Management

Looking Back to Look Forward — Understanding Retrospectives

There’s a tool in the Scrum toolbelt that is so utterly critical to success yet so fundamentally misunderstood by far too many development teams, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners.  I’m talking, of course, about the Sprint Retrospective.  I’ve seen it time and again, teams that are able to hit all the right notes in their […]

Product Management

What is the Value of Agility?

One of the many challenges that Product Managers face in trying to move organizations toward a more agile approach to product development is that some stakeholders simply don’t see the value in the shift.  They believe that, since their way has worked for them for so long that there’s no need to change — after […]

Product Management

Are You “Default Ship” or “Default Delay”?

A couple years ago I ran across a blog post by Paul Jackson where he mentioned in passing the idea of a tension between “default ship” cultures in relation to corporations versus startups.  For some reason, those two ends of a spectrum have stuck with me ever since, and after struggling with some culture change […]

Product Management

How Much Technical Debt is Too Much?

Let’s face it, technical debt is something that every Product Manager has to deal with on a constant basis — whether it’s making snap decisions that unblock your team so that they can keep working, short-cutting an ideal architectural solution because you have time-to-market pressures, or deciding to put off working on bugs found after […]

Product Management

When Push Comes to Shove – Picking Your Battles

In many organizations, conflict is part and parcel of the culture — some conflict can be constructive, some destructive, but most of it can just be downright annoying.  And, because we often sit right in the middle of all of the random agendas, battles of ego, and emotional storms that can rage throughout the company, […]

Product Management

The Product Lifecycle

This post comes courtesy of a direct request from one of my supporters over at Patreon, who asked me if I could give them a 10,000 foot-level overview of the Product Lifecycle from ideation to delivery.  While nothing here should be terribly earth-shattering or world-changing, I think it’s important for us as Product Managers to […]

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